Minutes of the 777th Meeting

Held at Managan Center – Westlake, LA

TIME: 11:00AM

Download in PDF

DATE: November 8, 2017

LOCATION: Managan Center - 1221 Sampson Street - Westlake, LA 70669

ORDERED BY: Wayne Goke, President –

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Wayne Goke, President –

INVOCATION BY: Mason Lindsay

INTRODUCTION OF GUEST: Wayne Goke, President –

  • Heather Hohensee, Government & Public Affairs Manager w/Tellurian
  • Cathy Rourke, VP Health, Safety & Environment w/Tellurian

HOST ENTITY: Lake Charles LNG Company

Power Point Presentation by: Larry Aucoin, Safety Representative NEW APPLICANT PRESENTATIONS:

Power Point Presentation By: N/A

MUTUAL AID INCIDENTS: Wayne Goke, President –

Mutual Aid Calls for October 2017

  • Incident Report (27)

  • Apparatus Usages (198)


    BUDGET/FINANCE: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –

    TREASURERS REPORT – The account balance ending as of October 31, 2017 $72,471.80

    BY LAWS: Richard McGuire, Chairman – N/A

    COMMUNICATIONS: Richard McGuire, Chairman – N/A

    DRILL: Cade McLemore, Chairman –N/A

    EMS: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –

    Discussed - ESF-8 Health & Medical Coalition met on, Monday, October 23rd 2018 and discussed;

  • T.O.A.D.

  • Las Vegas Shooting: Mass Casualty Considerations

  • “Coalition Preparedness Plan” (Discuss at next meeting)

  • Review/Next Steps

  • HHS empower Initiative

  • Mapping/Next Steps

  • Potential Dates for “No Notice Surge Test” (February 26th 2018 - March 10th 2018)

  • FEMA Health Sector Emergency Preparedness Course (Discuss at next meeting)

  • Next ESF-8 Health & Medical Coalition Meeting, Monday, November 27th 2018 @ 1:30PM

    HAZMAT: Chief Keith Murray, Chairman – N/A

    INSPECTION: Rob Daughdril, Chairman

    Discussed - Daniel Gaspard Resignation and the New Appointed Inspector General:

  • Daniel Gaspard, relinquished his duties as Inspector, as of Saturday, October 28th 2018 @ 12:55PM, VIA-Email

  • Steering Committee, met on Thursday, November 2nd 2018, made a motion to except Rob Daughdril, Honorable Life

    Member, as the New Inspector

    MARINE USCG: Larry J. Johnson, Port Security Specialist

    Discussed - Authority on the Waterway:

    Where do fire district responsibility end at the water line or middle of the channel?

    Primarily the USCG has responsibility for safety of the waterway, but very limited resources

    Needing for representative/input from the following;

  • USCG

  • Calcasieu and Cameron OHSEP

  • Port of Lake Charles and Port of Cameron

  • Lake Charles Pilots Association

  • Harbor Safety Committee

  • Lake Area Industry (LAI)

  • Tug companies

  • Calcasieu and Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office

  • LA Fish and Wildlife

  • Salvage Companies, i.e. TNT

  • Fire Departments: Lake Charles, Westlake, Carlyss and Ward 1.

  • Discuss as New Business (Marine USCG), next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting on Wednesday,

    November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

    NOMINATING: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –

    Discussed - Nomination for 2018:

  • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices

  • President asks, “Are there any nominations from the floor?”

  • All nominations will be held over one month before voting

  • So far, only one Nomination form for 2nd Vice President has been submitted

  • Will discuss as a Voting Issue at the next SWLA Mutual Aid Association meeting, on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 @


    SAR: Rob Daughdril –

    Discussed – The Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Search and Rescue Team 2018 Budget Request:

  • Rob Daughdril – Submitted the 2018 Budget Request for SAR totaling the amount of $3,600.00 to the SWLA Mutual Aid

    Steering Committee, on Thursday, November 2nd 2018

    TRAINING: Tammy Ryan, Sulphur F.D. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (337) 527-2061 and/or Cade McLemore, w/OHSEP This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (337) 721-3800 Co/Chairman –

    WEATHER UPDATE: National Weather Service –

    (Meteorologist in charge) - Andy Patrick and/or (Meteorologist) - Roger Erickson

    Discussed – Upcoming winter weather (warm and wet):


    OLD BUSINESS: Wayne Goke, President – N/A

    NEW BUSINESS: Wayne Goke, President –

    Discussed - Application Process for New Membership (General/Associate):

  • All 10 pages of New Membership Application must be completed and its entirety

  • Presentation must be submitted upon completion

  • Payment must be attached to application upon completion

  • Application for New Membership will not be excepted if ALL three steps or incomplete

    Discussed - 2018 Budgets must be submitted to the SWLA Steering Committee NO later than the week of, Monday, December 4th 2017:

    Discussed - Lunch & Learn:

  • Wayne Goke, President, addressed to the board members/Associate Members for those wanting to do a presentation, and you are an Associate Member, you may do so once regular meeting is over

  • Associate Members must contact Tonya Pousson, Secretary, regarding presentation, one week before the SWLA Steering Committee meeting

    VOTING ISSUES: Wayne Goke, President – N/A

    STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING: Wayne Goke, President –




    swmutualaid LOGO Minutes swmutualaid LOGO


    Immediate Past President –

    John Floyd


    Louisiana State Police/Hazmat –

    Sean LaFleur


    CPSO – ?


    President –

    Wayne Goke, SASOL


    Public Safety Agency –

    AJ Powell


    Honorable life Member –

    Chief Lloyd Miller


    1st Vice President

    Andy Patrick, NWS


    Chennault F.D./Industrial Facility –

    Chief Joshua Arnold


    Honorable life Member –

    Rob Daughdril


    2nd Vice President

    Chris Dailey


    OHSEP –

    Dick Gremillion, Director


    Guest –

    Norman Bourdeau, OHSEP


    Treasurer –

    Bill Wilkie


    E-911 –

    Richard McGuire



    Tonya Pousson


    Lake Charles F.D./Hazmat –

    Keith Murray


    Inspector –

    Rob Daughdril


    Training Co/Chair Person(s) –

    Tammy Bellard & Cade McLemore


    Law Enforcement –

    Kirk L. Carroll


    USCG –

    Larry J. Johnson, Port Security Specialist


    November 2, 2017

    P=Present X=Absent

    Pledge of Allegiance: Wayne Goke, President –

    Discussed – Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Association Elections of Officers: Bill Wilkie –

    Nominating Committee reports:

    • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices

      November General Meeting, Wednesday, November 8th 2018:

    • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices

    • President asks, “Are there any nominations from the floor?”

    • All nominations will be held over one month before voting

    • Robby Trahan w/Ward 1 Fire Protection District 1 (Moss Bluff), has volunteered himself, as a potential candidate

      for 2nd Vice President (see Nomination Form and Resume’)

      Discussed – Chicago Bridge & Iron CB&I Dues for 2017: Wayne Goke, President –

    • New Associate Members still have not submitted membership dues

    • Steering Committee recommends until dues are Paid-N-Full for 2017, they are not considered Associate Members

      Discussed – Lawson Environmental Service, LLC, Application for Associate Membership:

      Wayne Goke, President –

    • Spoke w/Charles Keenan, September 13th 2017, regarding application for members and has declined

    • Will try reapply next year 2018

      Discussed – Daniel Gaspard Resignation Letter for Inspector: Wayne Goke, President –

    • Wayne Goke/President made a motion to except resignation letter

    • Andy Patrick, made the motion

    • AJ Powell, 2nd the motion

    • Motion Carries

      Discussed – Daniel Gaspard Replacement for Inspector: Wayne Goke, President –

    • Rob Daughdril, Honorable Life Member, nominated himself as the new Inspector

    • Wayne Goke/President, made a motion to except Rob Daughdril as the new Inspector

    • Larry J. Johnson, CIV, made the motion

    • Bill Wilkie, 2nd the motion

    • Motion Carries

      Discussed – Revised Mutual Aid Inspection Form: Wayne Goke, President –

    • Steering Committee reviewed revised Mutual Aid Inspection Form

    • Rob Daughdril, is making modifications more appropriate for the different disciplines of emergency response

      Discussed – Applications Process for New Membership (General/Associate): Wayne Goke, President –

      Wayne Goke/President, made a recommendation to the Steering Committee, application process for General/Associate Membership, is as follows;

    • All 10 pages of New Membership Application must be completed and its entirety

    • Presentation must be submitted upon completion

    • Payment must be attached upon completion

    • Application for New Membership will not be excepted if ALL three steps or incomplete

    • Steering Committee recommended, Rob Daughdril, draft Policy and Procedures on discussion

    • Table upon completion

    • Discuss as New Business on Application Process at the next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting, on Wednesday,

      November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

      Discussed – SWLA Mutual Aid Website: Wayne Goke, President –

    • When will it be up and running?

    • When will Secretary have capability/access to post minutes?

    • Rob Daughdril is in the process and will get w/Secretary

      Discussed – The Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Search and Rescue Team: Rob Daughdril –

    • Rob Daughdril submitted his 2018 Budget Request for SAR - $3,600.00

      Discussed – 2018 Budget: Wayne Goke, President –

    • Wayne Goke, President, asked to review books for the 2017 Budget, next Steering Committee Meeting, Thursday,

      December 7th 2017

    • All 2018 Budget Request needs to be submitted no later than January 1st 2018

      Discussed – LCMH/Moss Regional Location: Bill Wilkie –

    • LCMH/Moss Regional Location is no longer being used for an emergency hospital, clinic only, therefore, has nothing

      to offer SWLA Mutual Aid Association

    • Steering Committee recommendation, remove as Exempt and not reapply for Membership all together

      Discussed – The Purchase of New Engraved Standard Name Plates for the SWLA Mutual Aid Association Committee Officers: Wayne Goke, President –

      Discussed – Marine Firefighting Meeting: Larry J. Johnson, CIV –

    Need for representatives/input from the following:

    • USCG

    • Calcasieu and Cameron OHSEP

    • Port of Lake Charles and Port of Cameron

    • Lake Charles Pilots Association

    • Harbor Safety Committee

    • Lake Area Industry (LAI)

    • Tug companies

    • Calcasieu and Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office

    • LA Fish and Wildlife

    • Salvage Companies, i.e. TNT

    • Fire Departments: Lake Charles, Westlake, Carlyss and Ward 1.

    • Discuss as New Business (Marine USCG), next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting on Wednesday,

      November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

      Adjourned: 3:15PM


      NEXT MEETING HOST: Westlake Police Department

      DATE: Wednesday, December 13, 2017

      TIME: 11:00AM

      LOCATION: Managan Center - 1221 Sampson Street - Westlake, LA 70669


    • Motion to adjourn – Jerry Bell

    • 2nd the motion – Todd Parker

    • Meeting adjourned – 11:44AM


      Thursday, December 7, 2017 @ 2PM

      901 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 200

      Lake Charles, LA 70601


  • DATE: November 8, 2017

  • LOCATION: Managan Center - 1221 Sampson Street - Westlake, LA 70669

    ORDERED BY: Wayne Goke, President –

    PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Wayne Goke, President –

    INVOCATION BY: Mason Lindsay –

    INTRODUCTION OF GUEST: Wayne Goke, President –
    • Heather Hohensee, Government & Public Affairs Manager w/Tellurian
    • Cathy Rourke, VP Health, Safety & Environment w/Tellurian

    HOST ENTITY: Lake Charles LNG Company
    Power Point Presentation by: Larry Aucoin, Safety Representative

    Power Point Presentation By: N/A

    MUTUAL AID INCIDENTS: Wayne Goke, President –
    Mutual Aid Calls for October 2017
    • Incident Report (27)
    • Apparatus Usages (198)


    BUDGET/FINANCE: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –
    TREASURERS REPORT – The account balance ending as of October 31, 2017 – $72,471.80

    BY LAWS: Richard McGuire, Chairman – N/A

    COMMUNICATIONS: Richard McGuire, Chairman – N/A

    DRILL: Cade McLemore, Chairman – N/A

    EMS: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –
    Discussed - ESF-8 Health & Medical Coalition met on, Monday, October 23rd 2018 and discussed;
    • T.O.A.D.
    • Las Vegas Shooting: Mass Casualty Considerations
    • “Coalition Preparedness Plan” (Discuss at next meeting)
    • Review/Next Steps
    • HHS empower Initiative
    • Mapping/Next Steps
    • Potential Dates for “No Notice Surge Test” (February 26th 2018 - March 10th 2018)
    • FEMA Health Sector Emergency Preparedness Course (Discuss at next meeting)
    • Next ESF-8 Health & Medical Coalition Meeting, Monday, November 27th 2018 @ 1:30PM

    HAZMAT: Chief Keith Murray, Chairman – N/A

    INSPECTION: Rob Daughdril, Chairman –
    Discussed - Daniel Gaspard Resignation and the New Appointed Inspector General:
    • Daniel Gaspard, relinquished his duties as Inspector, as of Saturday, October 28th 2018 @ 12:55PM, VIA-Email
    • Steering Committee, met on Thursday, November 2nd 2018, made a motion to except Rob Daughdril, Honorable Life
    Member, as the New Inspector

    MARINE USCG: Larry J. Johnson, Port Security Specialist –
    Discussed - Authority on the Waterway:
    Where do fire district responsibility end at the water line or middle of the channel?
    Primarily the USCG has responsibility for safety of the waterway, but very limited resources
    Needing for representative/input from the following;
    • USCG
    • Calcasieu and Cameron OHSEP
    • Port of Lake Charles and Port of Cameron
    • Lake Charles Pilots Association
    • Harbor Safety Committee
    • Lake Area Industry (LAI)
    • Tug companies
    • Calcasieu and Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office
    • LA Fish and Wildlife
    • Salvage Companies, i.e. TNT
    • Fire Departments: Lake Charles, Westlake, Carlyss and Ward 1.
     Discuss as New Business (Marine USCG), next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting on Wednesday,
    November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

    NOMINATING: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –
    Discussed - Nomination for 2018:
    • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices
    • President asks, “Are there any nominations from the floor?”
    • All nominations will be held over one month before voting
    • So far, only one Nomination form for 2nd Vice President has been submitted
    • Will discuss as a Voting Issue at the next SWLA Mutual Aid Association meeting, on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 @

    SAR: Rob Daughdril –
    Discussed – The Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Search and Rescue Team 2018 Budget Request:
    • Rob Daughdril – Submitted the 2018 Budget Request for SAR totaling the amount of $3,600.00 to the SWLA Mutual Aid
    Steering Committee, on Thursday, November 2nd 2018

    TRAINING: Tammy Ryan, Sulphur F.D. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (337) 527-2061 and/or Cade McLemore, w/OHSEP This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (337) 721-3800 Co/Chairman –

    WEATHER UPDATE: National Weather Service –
    (Meteorologist in charge) - Andy Patrick and/or (Meteorologist) - Roger Erickson
    Discussed – Upcoming winter weather (warm and wet):


    OLD BUSINESS: Wayne Goke, President – N/A

    NEW BUSINESS: Wayne Goke, President –
    Discussed - Application Process for New Membership (General/Associate):
     All 10 pages of New Membership Application must be completed and its entirety
     Presentation must be submitted upon completion
     Payment must be attached to application upon completion
     Application for New Membership will not be excepted if ALL three steps or incomplete

    Discussed - 2018 Budgets must be submitted to the SWLA Steering Committee NO later than the week of, Monday, December 4th 2017:

    Discussed - Lunch & Learn:
    • Wayne Goke, President, addressed to the board members/Associate Members for those wanting to do a presentation, and you are an Associate Member, you may do so once regular meeting is over
    • Associate Members must contact Tonya Pousson, Secretary, regarding presentation, one week before the SWLA Steering Committee meeting

    VOTING ISSUES: Wayne Goke, President – N/A

    STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING: Wayne Goke, President –

    Immediate Past President –
    John Floyd X Louisiana State Police/Hazmat –
    Sean LaFleur X CPSO – ?
    President –
    Wayne Goke, SASOL P Public Safety Agency –
    AJ Powell P Honorable life Member –
    Chief Lloyd Miller X
    1st Vice President –
    Andy Patrick, NWS P Chennault F.D./Industrial Facility –
    Chief Joshua Arnold X Honorable life Member –
    Rob Daughdril P
    2nd Vice President –
    Chris Dailey P OHSEP –
    Dick Gremillion, Director X Guest –
    Norman Bourdeau, OHSEP P
    Treasurer –
    Bill Wilkie P E-911 –
    Richard McGuire X
    Secretary –
    Tonya Pousson P Lake Charles F.D./Hazmat –
    Keith Murray X
    Inspector –
    Rob Daughdril X Training Co/Chair Person(s) –
    Tammy Bellard & Cade McLemore X
    Law Enforcement –
    Kirk L. Carroll X USCG –
    Larry J. Johnson, Port Security Specialist P
    November 2, 2017
    P=Present X=Absent
    Pledge of Allegiance: Wayne Goke, President –

    Discussed – Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Association Elections of Officers: Bill Wilkie –
    Nominating Committee reports:
    • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices
    November General Meeting, Wednesday, November 8th 2018:
    • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices
    • President asks, “Are there any nominations from the floor?”
    • All nominations will be held over one month before voting
    • Robby Trahan w/Ward 1 Fire Protection District 1 (Moss Bluff), has volunteered himself, as a potential candidate
    for 2nd Vice President (see Nomination Form and Resume’)

    Discussed – Chicago Bridge & Iron CB&I Dues for 2017: Wayne Goke, President –
    • New Associate Members still have not submitted membership dues
    • Steering Committee recommends until dues are Paid-N-Full for 2017, they are not considered Associate Members

    Discussed – Lawson Environmental Service, LLC, Application for Associate Membership:
    Wayne Goke, President –
    • Spoke w/Charles Keenan, September 13th 2017, regarding application for members and has declined
    • Will try reapply next year 2018

    Discussed – Daniel Gaspard Resignation Letter for Inspector: Wayne Goke, President –
    • Wayne Goke/President made a motion to except resignation letter
    • Andy Patrick, made the motion
    • AJ Powell, 2nd the motion
    • Motion Carries

    Discussed – Daniel Gaspard Replacement for Inspector: Wayne Goke, President –
    • Rob Daughdril, Honorable Life Member, nominated himself as the new Inspector
    • Wayne Goke/President, made a motion to except Rob Daughdril as the new Inspector
    • Larry J. Johnson, CIV, made the motion
    • Bill Wilkie, 2nd the motion
    • Motion Carries

    Discussed – Revised Mutual Aid Inspection Form: Wayne Goke, President –
    • Steering Committee reviewed revised Mutual Aid Inspection Form
    • Rob Daughdril, is making modifications more appropriate for the different disciplines of emergency response

    Discussed – Applications Process for New Membership (General/Associate): Wayne Goke, President –
    Wayne Goke/President, made a recommendation to the Steering Committee, application process for General/Associate Membership, is as follows;
     All 10 pages of New Membership Application must be completed and its entirety
     Presentation must be submitted upon completion
     Payment must be attached upon completion
     Application for New Membership will not be excepted if ALL three steps or incomplete
     Steering Committee recommended, Rob Daughdril, draft Policy and Procedures on discussion
     Table upon completion
     Discuss as New Business on Application Process at the next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting, on Wednesday,
    November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

    Discussed – SWLA Mutual Aid Website: Wayne Goke, President –
    • When will it be up and running?
    • When will Secretary have capability/access to post minutes?
    • Rob Daughdril is in the process and will get w/Secretary

    Discussed – The Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Search and Rescue Team: Rob Daughdril –
    • Rob Daughdril submitted his 2018 Budget Request for SAR - $3,600.00

    Discussed – 2018 Budget: Wayne Goke, President –
    • Wayne Goke, President, asked to review books for the 2017 Budget, next Steering Committee Meeting, Thursday,
    December 7th 2017
    • All 2018 Budget Request needs to be submitted no later than January 1st 2018

    Discussed – LCMH/Moss Regional Location: Bill Wilkie –
    • LCMH/Moss Regional Location is no longer being used for an emergency hospital, clinic only, therefore, has nothing
    to offer SWLA Mutual Aid Association
    • Steering Committee recommendation, remove as Exempt and not reapply for Membership all together

    Discussed – The Purchase of New Engraved Standard Name Plates for the SWLA Mutual Aid Association Committee Officers: Wayne Goke, President –

    Discussed – Marine Firefighting Meeting: Larry J. Johnson, CIV –
    Need for representatives/input from the following:
    • USCG
    • Calcasieu and Cameron OHSEP
    • Port of Lake Charles and Port of Cameron
    • Lake Charles Pilots Association
    • Harbor Safety Committee
    • Lake Area Industry (LAI)
    • Tug companies
    • Calcasieu and Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office
    • LA Fish and Wildlife
    • Salvage Companies, i.e. TNT
    • Fire Departments: Lake Charles, Westlake, Carlyss and Ward 1.
    • Discuss as New Business (Marine USCG), next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting on Wednesday,
    November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

    Adjourned: 3:15PM


    NEXT MEETING HOST: Westlake Police Department
    DATE: Wednesday, December 13, 2017
    TIME: 11:00AM
    LOCATION: Managan Center - 1221 Sampson Street - Westlake, LA 70669

    • Motion to adjourn – Jerry Bell
    • 2nd the motion – Todd Parker
    • Meeting adjourned – 11:44AM

    Thursday, December 7, 2017 @ 2PM
    901 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 200
    Lake Charles, LA 70601


    DATE: November 8, 2017


    LOCATION: Managan Center - 1221 Sampson Street - Westlake, LA 70669


    ORDERED BY: Wayne Goke, President –


    PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Wayne Goke, President –

    INVOCATION BY: Mason Lindsay

    INTRODUCTION OF GUEST: Wayne Goke, President –

    • Heather Hohensee, Government & Public Affairs Manager w/Tellurian

    • Cathy Rourke, VP Health, Safety & Environment w/Tellurian

      HOST ENTITY: Lake Charles LNG Company

      Power Point Presentation by: Larry Aucoin, Safety Representative


      Power Point Presentation By: N/A

      MUTUAL AID INCIDENTS: Wayne Goke, President –

      Mutual Aid Calls for October 2017

    • Incident Report (27)

    • Apparatus Usages (198)


      BUDGET/FINANCE: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –

      TREASURERS REPORT – The account balance ending as of October 31, 2017 $72,471.80

      BY LAWS: Richard McGuire, Chairman – N/A

      COMMUNICATIONS: Richard McGuire, Chairman – N/A

      DRILL: Cade McLemore, Chairman –N/A

      EMS: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –

      Discussed - ESF-8 Health & Medical Coalition met on, Monday, October 23rd 2018 and discussed;

    • T.O.A.D.

    • Las Vegas Shooting: Mass Casualty Considerations

    • “Coalition Preparedness Plan” (Discuss at next meeting)

    • Review/Next Steps

    • HHS empower Initiative

    • Mapping/Next Steps

    • Potential Dates for “No Notice Surge Test” (February 26th 2018 - March 10th 2018)

    • FEMA Health Sector Emergency Preparedness Course (Discuss at next meeting)

    • Next ESF-8 Health & Medical Coalition Meeting, Monday, November 27th 2018 @ 1:30PM

      HAZMAT: Chief Keith Murray, Chairman – N/A

      INSPECTION: Rob Daughdril, Chairman

      Discussed - Daniel Gaspard Resignation and the New Appointed Inspector General:

    • Daniel Gaspard, relinquished his duties as Inspector, as of Saturday, October 28th 2018 @ 12:55PM, VIA-Email

    • Steering Committee, met on Thursday, November 2nd 2018, made a motion to except Rob Daughdril, Honorable Life

      Member, as the New Inspector

      MARINE USCG: Larry J. Johnson, Port Security Specialist

      Discussed - Authority on the Waterway:

      Where do fire district responsibility end at the water line or middle of the channel?

      Primarily the USCG has responsibility for safety of the waterway, but very limited resources

      Needing for representative/input from the following;

    • USCG

    • Calcasieu and Cameron OHSEP

    • Port of Lake Charles and Port of Cameron

    • Lake Charles Pilots Association

    • Harbor Safety Committee

    • Lake Area Industry (LAI)

    • Tug companies

    • Calcasieu and Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office

    • LA Fish and Wildlife

    • Salvage Companies, i.e. TNT

    • Fire Departments: Lake Charles, Westlake, Carlyss and Ward 1.

    • Discuss as New Business (Marine USCG), next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting on Wednesday,

      November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

      NOMINATING: Bill Wilkie, Chairman –

      Discussed - Nomination for 2018:

    • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices

    • President asks, “Are there any nominations from the floor?”

    • All nominations will be held over one month before voting

    • So far, only one Nomination form for 2nd Vice President has been submitted

    • Will discuss as a Voting Issue at the next SWLA Mutual Aid Association meeting, on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 @



      SAR: Rob Daughdril –

      Discussed – The Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Search and Rescue Team 2018 Budget Request:

    • Rob Daughdril – Submitted the 2018 Budget Request for SAR totaling the amount of $3,600.00 to the SWLA Mutual Aid

      Steering Committee, on Thursday, November 2nd 2018

      TRAINING: Tammy Ryan, Sulphur F.D. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (337) 527-2061 and/or Cade McLemore, w/OHSEP This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (337) 721-3800 Co/Chairman –

      WEATHER UPDATE: National Weather Service –

      (Meteorologist in charge) - Andy Patrick and/or (Meteorologist) - Roger Erickson

      Discussed – Upcoming winter weather (warm and wet):


      OLD BUSINESS: Wayne Goke, President – N/A

      NEW BUSINESS: Wayne Goke, President –

      Discussed - Application Process for New Membership (General/Associate)

    • All 10 pages of New Membership Application must be completed and its entirety

    • Presentation must be submitted upon completion

    • Payment must be attached to application upon completion

    • Application for New Membership will not be excepted if ALL three steps or incomplete

      Discussed - 2018 Budgets must be submitted to the SWLA Steering Committee NO later than the week of, Monday, December 4th 2017:

      Discussed - Lunch & Learn:

    • Wayne Goke, President, addressed to the board members/Associate Members for those wanting to do a presentation, and you are an Associate Member, you may do so once regular meeting is over

    • Associate Members must contact Tonya Pousson, Secretary, regarding presentation, one week before the SWLA Steering Committee meeting

      VOTING ISSUES: Wayne Goke, President – N/A

      STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING: Wayne Goke, President –




      swmutualaid LOGO Minutes swmutualaid LOGO


      Immediate Past President –

      John Floyd


      Louisiana State Police/Hazmat –

      Sean LaFleur


      CPSO – ?


      President –

      Wayne Goke, SASOL


      Public Safety Agency –

      AJ Powell


      Honorable life Member –

      Chief Lloyd Miller


      1st Vice President

      Andy Patrick, NWS


      Chennault F.D./Industrial Facility –

      Chief Joshua Arnold


      Honorable life Member –

      Rob Daughdril


      2nd Vice President

      Chris Dailey


      OHSEP –

      Dick Gremillion, Director


      Guest –

      Norman Bourdeau, OHSEP


      Treasurer –

      Bill Wilkie


      E-911 –

      Richard McGuire



      Tonya Pousson


      Lake Charles F.D./Hazmat –

      Keith Murray


      Inspector –

      Rob Daughdril


      Training Co/Chair Person(s) –

      Tammy Bellard & Cade McLemore


      Law Enforcement –

      Kirk L. Carroll


      USCG –

      Larry J. Johnson, Port Security Specialist


      November 2, 2017

      P=Present X=Absent

      Pledge of Allegiance: Wayne Goke, President –

      Discussed – Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Association Elections of Officers: Bill Wilkie –

      Nominating Committee reports:

      • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices

        November General Meeting, Wednesday, November 8th 2018:

      • Nominating Committee announces selections for all offices

      • President asks, “Are there any nominations from the floor?”

      • All nominations will be held over one month before voting

      • Robby Trahan w/Ward 1 Fire Protection District 1 (Moss Bluff), has volunteered himself, as a potential candidate

        for 2nd Vice President (see Nomination Form and Resume’)

        Discussed – Chicago Bridge & Iron CB&I Dues for 2017: Wayne Goke, President –

      • New Associate Members still have not submitted membership dues

      • Steering Committee recommends until dues are Paid-N-Full for 2017, they are not considered Associate Members

        Discussed – Lawson Environmental Service, LLC, Application for Associate Membership:

        Wayne Goke, President –

      • Spoke w/Charles Keenan, September 13th 2017, regarding application for members and has declined

      • Will try reapply next year 2018

        Discussed – Daniel Gaspard Resignation Letter for Inspector: Wayne Goke, President –

      • Wayne Goke/President made a motion to except resignation letter

      • Andy Patrick, made the motion

      • AJ Powell, 2nd the motion

      • Motion Carries

        Discussed – Daniel Gaspard Replacement for Inspector: Wayne Goke, President –

      • Rob Daughdril, Honorable Life Member, nominated himself as the new Inspector

      • Wayne Goke/President, made a motion to except Rob Daughdril as the new Inspector

      • Larry J. Johnson, CIV, made the motion

      • Bill Wilkie, 2nd the motion

      • Motion Carries

        Discussed – Revised Mutual Aid Inspection Form: Wayne Goke, President –

      • Steering Committee reviewed revised Mutual Aid Inspection Form

      • Rob Daughdril, is making modifications more appropriate for the different disciplines of emergency response

        Discussed – Applications Process for New Membership (General/Associate): Wayne Goke, President –

        Wayne Goke/President, made a recommendation to the Steering Committee, application process for General/Associate Membership, is as follows;

      • All 10 pages of New Membership Application must be completed and its entirety

      • Presentation must be submitted upon completion

      • Payment must be attached upon completion

      • Application for New Membership will not be excepted if ALL three steps or incomplete

      • Steering Committee recommended, Rob Daughdril, draft Policy and Procedures on discussion

      • Table upon completion

      • Discuss as New Business on Application Process at the next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting, on Wednesday,

        November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

        Discussed – SWLA Mutual Aid Website: Wayne Goke, President –

      • When will it be up and running?

      • When will Secretary have capability/access to post minutes?

      • Rob Daughdril is in the process and will get w/Secretary

        Discussed – The Southwest Louisiana Mutual Aid Search and Rescue Team: Rob Daughdril –

      • Rob Daughdril submitted his 2018 Budget Request for SAR - $3,600.00

        Discussed – 2018 Budget: Wayne Goke, President –

      • Wayne Goke, President, asked to review books for the 2017 Budget, next Steering Committee Meeting, Thursday,

        December 7th 2017

      • All 2018 Budget Request needs to be submitted no later than January 1st 2018

        Discussed – LCMH/Moss Regional Location: Bill Wilkie –

      • LCMH/Moss Regional Location is no longer being used for an emergency hospital, clinic only, therefore, has nothing

        to offer SWLA Mutual Aid Association

      • Steering Committee recommendation, remove as Exempt and not reapply for Membership all together

        Discussed – The Purchase of New Engraved Standard Name Plates for the SWLA Mutual Aid Association Committee Officers: Wayne Goke, President –

        Discussed – Marine Firefighting Meeting: Larry J. Johnson, CIV –

      Need for representatives/input from the following:

      • USCG

      • Calcasieu and Cameron OHSEP

      • Port of Lake Charles and Port of Cameron

      • Lake Charles Pilots Association

      • Harbor Safety Committee

      • Lake Area Industry (LAI)

      • Tug companies

      • Calcasieu and Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office

      • LA Fish and Wildlife

      • Salvage Companies, i.e. TNT

      • Fire Departments: Lake Charles, Westlake, Carlyss and Ward 1.

      • Discuss as New Business (Marine USCG), next SWLA Mutual Aid Association Meeting on Wednesday,

        November 8th 2017 @ 11AM

        Adjourned: 3:15PM


        NEXT MEETING HOST: Westlake Police Department

        DATE: Wednesday, December 13, 2017

        TIME: 11:00AM

        LOCATION: Managan Center - 1221 Sampson Street - Westlake, LA 70669


      • Motion to adjourn – Jerry Bell

      • 2nd the motion – Todd Parker

      • Meeting adjourned – 11:44AM


        Thursday, December 7, 2017 @ 2PM

        901 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 200

        Lake Charles, LA 70601

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